For his last act as the student body president, Peter Dorn held a summit during Fr Anthony’s government class in order to layout his ingenious plan on how to bring highly esteemed actress Chloe Grace Moretz to the legendary dance of the century known as Cistercian Prom. After crafting a charming, elegant, and indeclinable message for his seemingly destined bride to be, Peter “slid into her DM’s” and anxiously awaited a response with a hopeful heart.
After a solid fifteen excruciating minutes had passed with no such response, the senior class erupted. Led by the cunning and social media savvy Fr. Anthony, the Twittersphere was soon bombarded by innumerable tweets from the senior class demanding that @ChloeGMortez accept the irresistible invitation. And thus, #PromWithPeter was born.
The effort continued through the next period of sciences, as the Class of 2016 displayed their unparalleled ability to blow up social media while still remaining entirely engaged and attentive in class. After the final bell rang, former President Dorn issued a public statement to the entire Upper School on the student body Facebook page, requesting that all who were willing and able to support this petition “as to not let dreams just be dreams.”
Loyal hawks throughout the school immediately flew to the cause of their universally loved Commander in Chief. Within an hour the community united behind this noble movement; and soon, all social media outlets became flooded with cries for this dream to come true. As the tweets poured in like the ceaseless flow from the fountain of destiny, a slew of promotions and promises were put forth in order to further entice this fair lady, who was obviously playing hard to get. One student pledged to work all summer in order to fund Chloe’s first class roundtrip airfare from LA to Dallas. It also came out that Mr. Dorn “gives life changing hugs,” “is just a real good stand-up guy,” and “makes world class anklets.” Students then took it to the next level by tweeting photoshopped pictures of Chloe alongside the man of her dreams. When it was clear that such a mass movement could not be accomplished alone, some turned to political candidates, major sports figures, local radio stations and weathermen, and even a certain motivational DJ (major key), yet to no avail. However the Cistercian band of brothers remained undeterred. They set aside all else, including all far less important papers and assignments, for the remainder of the restless night.
When such efforts failed, the fellas stepped up their game and released a professionally edited promotional video a few hours later. The video inspired a generation and soon went viral, accumulating almost 5,100 retweets within 24 hours. Some might see this as rather suspicious due to the fact that despite those thousands of retweets the video only received 100 favorites… but that should be seen a testament to the undying fidelity of our thousands of followers—and a little prom magic.
Though we still anxiously await Miss Moretz response with prom less than a week away, the #PromWithPeter movement not only galvanized a form, but also united a school and community. Friends, faculty, and students joined together for what seemed like an unwinnable battle, and maybe it was.
Quotes from peter :
“I really didn’t expect much from this! Honestly all I was hoping for was a simple response—I didn’t even care if she said yes or no (although that would have been amazing).”
“I honestly don’t feel any different. It was a really hilarious experience but I know now that my boys at Cistercian have got my back.”