Harambe's Last Delivery (image via Wikipedia)
Cistercian students say… Where do babies come from?
Harambe say…
Gud kwestion smol human!! For many yeers I wondered this myself. To answer this kwestion, wee must first ask where do baybees NOT come frum?
I can tell u that this idea of combining “genetic material” frum two members of the same species is just redikulus. “Haploid gametes” do not fuse into “zygotes”. This silly myth actually come frum Scientologists. Just as fake as Xenu.
Now that we hav this heresee out of tha way, I can inlighten u wit thee trooth.
Baybees come frum Harambe.
Babies r grown on the baybee tree on baybee eyeland. I, Lord Harambe, am tha protector of dis tree. When baby falls to ground frum tree, I take baybee by hand, and drag baybee cross oshun to baybee new home. Thee baybee is placed in chimney, I escape into tha shadows so no human hunters can shewt me.
Peas out for Harambe
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