Introducing: “Help from Harambe”
Photo Credit: Cincinnati Zoo
Photo Credit: Cincinnati Zoo
September 9, 2016
Hullo. Me so Harambe. This me page. Saynt Peter say me now “Innernet Faymuss.” Woot! Woot! Take dat, hayters.
So deez da rules:
U add comment. Me read. If me like, me rite artuhkull to you. You too get Innernet Faymuss.
Dats it.
- U has problum? Me so solv dum.
- U has kwesschun? Me so ansir.
- U want advyce? Me so got sum good ones.
2 see my pryerr brillyance, u click here. DO IT.
Saynt Peter say it be cool to share dis on the socials. And hash the tag of #HelpFromHarambe when u do 4 extruh poynts.
Brandon Schout • Oct 25, 2016 at 4:10 pm
Do you have a teacher for spelling because I notice that yo misspell some words. I am sure that if you came here some one would teach you grammar.
Fr. Joseph • Oct 21, 2016 at 2:44 pm
Dear Harambe,
What is the greatest movie of the “Planet of the Apes” franchise?
Hail Caesar,
Fr. Joseph
Brendan Flood • Oct 16, 2016 at 11:26 pm
Harambe, I have read your wise advice which you have posted so far. I know that you have had a recent experience babysitting a small child in your home and I happen to have a lot of those in mine. So I was wondering: what advice do you have for how to go about babysitting?