Opinion: The “Most Transparent Politician’s” Secret Health Problems

Dillary Clump (via www.imgrum.net)

Dillary Clump (via www.imgrum.net)

Alonso Medina, News Editor

Sad as it may be, many of us wouldn’t know if an old woman somewhere in the US suddenly got a stroke, a concussion, or collapsed from pneumonia. However, when these same things happened to Hillary Clinton, the Democratic candidate for 2016’s presidential election, the media whipped itself into a frenzy, producing countless articles ranging from support for Clinton to conspiracy theories over what really may be happening to her. Many wonder why these series of events generated such divisive opinions among voters in America, possibly even overshadowing the controversy over her ongoing email investigations. One thing’s for sure, however. Presidential health will become a prominent player in voters’ minds in the coming weeks, and may have tangible effects on who becomes the next president of the United States.

Naturally, when we elect a president we want him or her to live through the typical 4 year long term. However, knowing a candidate’s true state of health is very difficult, especially with politics being as secretive as it is. In the past, we have had several example of presidents lying about their health in order to give confidence to the American public. FDR’s health was slowly deteriorating, yet it was important for him to keep up a healthy appearance to give confidence during the troubled times he served. He even wore leg braces to help him stand up despite his polio. Another example is  JFK, who had many hidden health problems that might have killed him regardless of his assassination. Historian Robert Dallek says,” During the first six months of his term, Kennedy suffered stomach, colon, and prostate problems, high fevers, occasional dehydration, abscesses, sleeplessness, and high cholesterol, in addition to his ongoing back and adrenal ailments. His physicians administered large doses of so many drugs that Travell kept a “Medicine Administration Record,” It’s only logical to ask why these presidents didn’t receive as many critiques about their secrecy as Clinton is now. Journalist Jim Geraghty at The National Review provides us with the answer. He says,” because FDR is remembered as leading the country during World War II, and Kennedy’s presidency is popularly remembered as a national Camelot tragically ended before its time, few see either man as a cautionary tale.”

So now we know the answer to our question. As long as the elected official did something of importance or met an untimely end, lack of transparency on health concerns is disregarded in peoples’ minds.  In truth, nostalgia does tend to blur memories. However, Hillary Clinton’s controversial terms as Secretary of State and now presidential candidate are far too real and present in some voters’ minds. From her email server investigations, to her still disputed involvement in 2012’s Benghazi attacks, Clinton has done anything but stay under the radar. Add onto that her 2012 fainting and concussion incident that seemed to conveniently let her avoid testifying in court on the Benghazi attacks, and her claim to be “most transparent official in modern times.” seems to lack credibility.  In fact, it is her lack of transparency, from lying about her health condition, a diagnosis of pneumonia, to the ongoing investigations involving her mishandling top -secret information, it seems that many of her voters may lose confidence in her, something that will be crippling in these final weeks leading up to the election. As one voter wrote to the New York times, “It clearly demonstrates her poor judgment, her penchant for secrecy and her lack of transparency. Her health, particularly since she is 68 years old, one of the oldest presidential candidates in history, and has had serious health issues in the past, may have vaulted to the most important issue in the 2016 campaign.” However, other voters have taken this news in stride, and are still supporting Clinton with enthusiasm. Another voter wrote to the New York Times,”I didn’t have to run for president, a task that has to be a challenge for anyone in a fine state of health. Any candidate who keeps up such a schedule while sick must have unbelievable stamina. And anyone who has had the disease must now realize how truly tough Hillary Clinton is. It’s a good thing that her illness was finally diagnosed and treated. A speedy return to health, Mrs. Clinton. Some rest would be a good idea.” Only time will tell how these current developments will affect the 2016 race for presidential election.