What You Should’ve Done this Summer
Photo Credit: Julie Gentry
For many students, summer is a time to relax, hang out, and have fun. For others, it’s a time to buckle down and explore their passions, or even to get a job and earn some money. However, there are a few students who take the great opportunities that summer provides, throw them into the nearest dumpster, stay at home for three months, and wear nothing but sweatpants and t-shirts. The students who did that are probably the ones reading this article, so now I’m going to show you what you could’ve done this summer compared to what you actually did.
What You Should’ve Done:
Fixed your sleep schedule so that you aren’t sleeping at 2 AM now that you don’t have homework
What You Did:
Shifted your sleep schedule so that you’re sleeping at 11 AM, waking up at 7 PM, and working during the strange hours of the night.
What You Should’ve Done:
Studied an area of learning that you’re interested in to further your knowledge and grow as a person.
What You Did:
Cried while watching Netflix at 4 AM after telling your parents that you’re “more productive at night.”
What You Should’ve Done:
Gotten into shape for the upcoming school year so that you can contribute to your school’s athletics and improve your self-confidence.
What You Did:
Decided that water doesn’t taste as good as milk and went for five days straight without drinking any water and single-handedly finished about 3 gallons of milk in about ten days.
What You Should’ve Done:
Limited your use of various forms of social media while focusing on making yourself a better person.
What You Did:
Browsed Instagram for hours while simultaneously writing an Informer article at 5 AM because you couldn’t think of anything else to say.
What You Should’ve Done:
Adopted healthy eating habits that will allow you to live a longer life.
What You Did:
Bought a Chipotle burrito so big it didn’t fit in the bag
What You Should’ve Done:
Gone to an 8-week program to experience college life while boosting your resume and knowledge.
What You Did:
Went to the nearest public library, checked out ten comic books, forgot about them for three months and then returned them to find out that you have $50 of late fines which you can’t pay off because you’re broke with no income.
What You Should’ve Done:
Saved your money so that you could afford to do stuff during the year
What You Did:
Wasted it all on food
What You Should’ve Done:
Read your summer reading slowly throughout the summer.
What You Did:
Realized a few days ago that you haven’t bought the book yet.
What You Should’ve Done:
Went on vacation to get out of the house and experience something new and exciting.
What You Did:
Never moved more than the distance between your couch
and your refrigerator.
Congrats to everyone that wasn’t like me this summer! But to those of you that were, we’ve got some work to do.